Thursday, September 17, 2009

4H Poultry Chain Judging

This was our first year to participate in the 4H Poultry Chain.  It has been very educational and we have learned alot about chickens.  Who knew there was so much to know about chickens? LOL!

Well, to keep the poultry chain going, each child who participates is required to turn in their three best pullets to be judged and auctioned at the county fair.  The money raised in the auction pays for the next year's chicks...that's why it's called a poultry "chain".  In addition, each child will earn money based on how their pullets placed in the judging.

Monday was the day we had to take our chickens to the fair.  Here they are getting loaded up for their big day:

The pens at the fair look small but apparently you can get three pullets in there.  Big T's are on the end and Little A's are next to his.
Judging seemed to take forever....ours were the very last ones and we were waiting anxiously to see how they placed. Big T was hoping to win either Grand Champion or Reserve Champion and the judge kept going back to examine several different must have been a hard decision to make.  I told Capital J that I didn't think I could be a pullet judge because that's getting a little too personal with a chicken for me. LOL!
After about an hour and a half the results were in.  Big T's pullets received a blue ribbon and Little A's a red ribbon.  I think they did very well considering that this was our first year.  It looks like Little A may not agree with me on that, lol.  Anyway, we'll give it another go next year. 

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